Expert Guides for Pura Aventura

The challenge

Boutique Latin America and Spain tour operator Pura Aventura wanted to engage better with potential customers earlier in their purchase journey.

The solution

Pura already had a well-developed approach to prospecting. They had created a series of expert guides which they promoted on social channels. People had to sign up for the guides with their email address. They then received seven consecutive emails each featuring a link to an expert guide about their chosen destination.

But the team wanted to know more about how each guide was performing and whether people were clicking further into the site and converting. So I worked with them to review the data and enhance the approach.

The creative

I worked with Pura’s analytics manager to review the expert guides for all of the destinations they covered. Looking at metrics like time on page, bounce rate and clicks to other pages on the site we were able to sort the guides and work out which were working best. Perhaps unsurprisingly we found that topics like ‘Hidden Gems’ and formats like ‘Top 10s’ were working particularly well.

I then developed a simple strategy for improving the guides and an editorial framework for producing future series based on these learnings.

We dropped several guides and reworked some of the others. I edited them all and recommended a range of improvements. I added subheads and pull quotes to make them more engaging. I also encouraged them to keep the copy really personal and informal – something they were doing well already. I then added links to Pura products throughout the guides.

If you’d like to see the guides in action, why not sign up for a series? They’re quirky and informative.

The current series include Spain, Costa Rica and Chile