Creative campaign for Reuters Plus

The challenge
Digital design agency Tilt had the opportunity to pitch for an exciting new website build to promote the Maasai Mara. I was brought on board to brainstorm ideas and work up a concept with them.

The solution
I worked with the designers and developers at Tilt to come up with an inspiring creative concept – Moments of Wonder. We pitched it to Reuters who loved the idea. The team at Tilt then created the website with me developing the editorial approach and writing all the copy. This started with scoping out the right content types for the experiences we wanted to convey. We created inspiring long reads for those who had more time and evocative photo galleries for shorter visits to the site.

Everything was carefully signposted so readers could find their way easily and intuitively through their journey from each ‘Moment’ to the next. I then wrote interviews with Maasai warriors, created photo galleries of anti-poaching teams in action and more and wrote snappy, super-engaging titles, captions and introductions.

The creative
The Reuters team had asked us to come up with an idea that took inspiration from one of the wonders of the natural world – the great annual wildebeest migration. Each year, millions of these animals swarm over the plains and across rivers in search of new grazing. The river crossing into the Maasai Mara is particularly gripping with crocodiles and lions waiting to pounce at every moment.

I suggested the idea Moments of Wonder. Taking six key events during the great migration and using them as ways to showcase what goes on in the wider Maasai Mara ecosystem at the same time. There was a nice narrative arc here – beginnings, moments of jeopardy and final success.

We worked with the Reuters team to create compelling interviews and photo libraries featuring members of the Maasai community. The Reuters team shot a series of short videos that ran alongside. The brilliant design and dev teams at Tilt then packaged it all up in a gorgeous website.