The New Patagonia for Daily Telegraph

The challenge

Specialist Latin-America tour operator Pura Aventura wanted to gain press exposure for its brand new tour to a part of Chile that’s exceptionally wild and just opening up for tourism.

The solution

I worked with Pura’s CEO and their PR company to come up with a strong feature angle and sold it into the Daily Telegraph’s Deputy Travel Editor.

The creative

The hook for the feature was the brand new lodge and national park that legendary ecologists Doug Tompkins and his wife Kristine McDivitt Tompkins had created. It’s called Parque Patagonia.

We flew to Patagonia and visited the lodge, meeting Doug and interviewing Kristine for the feature. We hiked a number of trails in the new park too and I took photos to accompany the feature which was upgraded from an inside feature to the cover of the Saturday travel section once I’d filed the copy.

According to Pura’s CEO Tom Power this feature generated sales in excess of £100,000 worth of business for them.